
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday Thoughts.

I’m going to see Kraftwerk (or Kroft-verk if you’re German) tonight with Shane. We saw these guys back at Coachella a few years back. That show was excellent, I can distinctly remember hearing the buzz at the festival because they rarely played live shows, let alone in the US. Their set started during the middle of the Radiohead show, much of that crowd migrated over to this small tent to watch the Germans do their thing. At the time I only knew one Kraftwerk song, visually and musically I was completely impressed. So yeah… I now know more Kraftwerk songs these days… I’m very excited for tonight.

My Wii is getting up in price, thanks to Josh and Nico for bidding it up for me. It’s got about three days and 70 more bucks to go before it hits my reserve and I can confidently part ways with that piece. I’ve also completed an application for a Sony credit card, which I will use to buy my new PS3/Blu-ray player. More importantly, this Sony credit card gives you a one-time $100 credit when you purchase a Sony item of $299.99 or more. Don’t you just love when Sony hands out free money? So the epic Wii into PS3 plan is nearing completion.

I’ve completed my deck, it turned out well, and more importantly I think I’ve avoided any harassment from the HOA. I went completely rogue and went above the law to build this deck. If I would have submitted plans to the HOA the have the ability to jerk with you- tell you no, put completion time on your project, etc... I’m just glad it’s done, although I have noticed that Maya (my dog) is very hesitant to jump off the deck or even use the stairs. I think I’ll need to add some pavers so she doesn’t have to walk in the rocks. Hrmm…